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Dr. Jiang's exclusive name for health shoes is "red for no reason", just for the hottest.

Back 2017-08-29 Views:9139

At the end of June 2017, the Guangdong children's channel, named by Dr. Dr.Kong's health shoes, dropped the curtain on the 40 talent display of the young children's variety show, "not to be allowed to go."
The show of talent shows in Guangzhou, Huizhou, Shenzhen, Foshan, Dongguan and other places. With the audience's enthusiastic response, the 40 show of talent shows attracted 100 thousand children and parents to participate enthusiastically.
The exhibition of talent shows is divided into three parts: self introduction, talent show and judge commented. In the talent show, the children's wonderful performance made the audience an eye opener.


Among them, in the activities of Dongguan District, a mini rock band conquered all the audience at the scene. The guitar, Beth, the rack drum, the electronic organ, the small members of the combination each configure a kind of musical instrument, cooperate with each other, with their tender voice and the stubborn playing HIGH all over the court!



Look at the classic beauty girl holding pipa. She stroked the keys and moved them gently.


In other areas of the activities, there are four years old T TV show, elegant girls singing, wearing swimsuits, "wash and brush" baby, and let the eyes of a bright cat dance, the show will baby's lively and lovely play to the extreme, everyone sprout and stick!!


The most impressive is a group of special opera teenagers who use vivid language and vivid expression, annotate their roles, deduce a wonderful drama, and get the great applause of the audience.


In addition, there is a strong martial arts performance, the children "play" a standard trick, wooden board is easily kicked, turbulent momentum, full of manliness, let the scene audience scream and connect.
Many talented children show their talents on stage. Their every song, every movement and every smile is infecting everyone. They are expected to come to the stage on the "red carpet" broadcast by Dr. Dr.Kong Jiang's health shoes exclusive champion, which will bring more wonderful performances to the audience.



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